/previous editions/2020
Brussels Independent Film Festival announces winners of 2020 Atomium Film Awards
The 2020 edition of the Brussels Independent Film Festival closed Saturday evening after a week full of films from all over the globe with the presentation of the 'Atomium Film Awards'. The filmmakers were crowned with edible chocolate awards made by Belgian chocolatier Wim Vyverman.
The prize for the Best Narrative Feature Film went to 'The Names Of The Flowers' (Bolivia) by Bahman Tavoosi. As Bolivia stages the 50th anniversary of Ernesto "Che" Guevara’s death, Julia, an old countryside teacher, is invited to share her historical story with the world: giving a bowl of soup to the captured guerrilla in her classroom, while he recited a poem about flowers to her, a few hours before his death. The invitation is withdrawn soon after, as other women step forward, claiming the story of “the soup and the flower” as their own. The jury members praised the film's “remarkable color design and framing”, as well as its “breathtaking performances”.
'Hollow Heart' (Denmark) by Emilie Marloth Frøkjær received the award for Best Narrative Short Film. Ellen has achieved great success on the art scene with her installation piece "Hollow Heart", where she scans and projects her sick daughter's heart in front of a live audience. As the press begins to doubt Ellen's talent, she chooses to restage the piece bigger and wilder. But as her daughter Adalyn enters puberty and is more fragile than ever, Ellen must choose between chasing fame or assuring Adalyn's health. The jury found the film an “astounding piece of cinema which deeply resonates”.
Best Documentary Feature Film went to 'House Calls' (Germany) by Anne Münch. A portrait about an 80-year-old philosopher who goes from door to door to prepare people for the great occasion of Immanuel Kant’s 300th birthday. In search of closeness, he wants to get to the bottom of the pressing issues of our time. “The goal of getting philosophy demystified and bringing it to the people was very well achieved”, reported one jury member.
'PACIFIC' (Lebanon) by Angie Obeid was awarded with Best Documentary Short Film. This observational documentary follows a group of inhabitants of a Brussels high-rise building named 'PACIFIC', in the aftermath of the suicide of one of its tenants.
'ON' (Australia) by Jelena Sinik won the prize for Best Animated Film. In our age of attention scarcity, ‘ON’ explores just where our gaze is falling. Take a curious and playful glimpse into both the connectedness and enduring loneliness of the modern condition, through this intimate and unexamined lens.
The award for Best Experimental Film was for 'Shelly' (United States) by Katie Vida. 'Shelly' is a video work developed entirely on Snapchat, the app known for its face altering features. The piece includes filtered selfie video diaries by Kentucky native Shelly, who has exhausted her savings on an Airbnb rental to explore New York. Her meanderings are meaningful for their short-lived revelations. 'Shelly' sheds light on smartphone technology as a form of embodiment, elucidation, connection, and at times, detachment.
Best Music Video went to 'Worthless' (Germany) by Robert Piel for the band Sabbath Assembly. The video tells the coming-of-age tale of a young man as he claims his territory and his sexuality in the face of an adversarial peer group and family. Set in a provincial rural setting, the protagonist finds his identity in skateboarding, brawls, and self-harm, ultimately individuating in an act of extreme savagery. Our jury members praised the “original camera work” in particular.
And last but not least, Best Belgian Film was awarded to 'Int.Anouchka-Night' (Belgium) by Louise Hansenne. Anouchka is a 30-year-old scriptwriter who works in a wine bar to earn a living. She retraces her last 15 years of alcoholism through a script she wrote. “Anouchka is imperturbable and very solid but she opens up and becomes very fragile”, the jury thought. “An excellent film about alcoholism that brought up as many questions as it answered.”
Out of more than 3,000 entries, 100 films from all over the globe were selected to be screened at different locations in the heart of Brussels. The festival's newest section, 'The Rabbit Holes' also proved to be a hit. The vaulted rooms of the underground exhibition hall at Cinema Galeries served as the setting for the continuous screenings of a careful selection of experimental films.
"We do not have a red carpet, we do not organize fancy parties. We just want to show films", says organizer Kris De Meester. "We are especially happy this year with the large turnout – we had people sitting on the stairs at times – for a selection of what are arguably sometimes challenging films.”
The Brussels Independent Film Festival found its inspiration with the Brussels International Independent Film Festival, which started in 1974 but ended in 2012. The festival focused on experimental, provocative films. Among others Pedro Almodóvar, François Ozon and Nanni Moretti were invited.
The 2020 edition was yet another successful one, with a record number of attendees and the continued support of the Atomium, Cinema Galeries and Cinema Ritcs.
Official selection 2020
Best Narrative Feature Film: The Names Of The Flowers (Canada) by Bahman Tavoosi
Best Narrative Short Film: Hollow Heart (Denmark) by Emilie Marloth Frøkjær
Best Documentary Feature Film: House Calls (Germany) by Anne Münch
Best Documentary Short Film: PACIFIC (Lebanon) by Angie Obeid
Best Experimental Film: Shelly (United States) by Katie Vida
Best Music Video: Worthless - Sabbath Assembly (Germany) by Robert Piel
Best Animated Film: ON (Australia) by Jelena Sinik
Best Belgian Film: Int.Anouchka-Night (Belgium) by Louise Hansenne
Interrogation (United Kingdom) by Ivo Krankowski
KLOUT (Belgium) by Margot Van Mol
How Countries Fight Their Wars (Netherlands) by Thomas Loopstra and Maurice Baltissen
Woman Holding Perspective (Japan) by Nobuyuki Oura
Meli Melo (Belgium) by Julian Wolf
Shark Week (Canada) by Bri Proke
Transponder (Belgium) by Thomas Verijke
Tony Fraginals (UK) by Ben Young
The Gull Chewing Gum (France) by Guillaume Aubry
Obscure (United States) by Kunlin Wang
Comments (Germany) by Jannis Alexander Kiefer
Flut (Flood) (Germany) by Malte Stein
Fragile Machines (United States by Derek Johnson and Luke Smithers
Dunya's Day (Saudi Arabia) by Raed Alsemari
Kifaru (United States) by David Hambridge
Antílope (Venezuela) by Diego Murillo
Game (Iran) by Ali Haddadi
Miller & Son (United States) by Asher Jelinsky
Strokes Of Madness (Belgium) by Ciska Snauwaert, Sarah D'haeyer, Lena Dewaegenaere, Lander Haverals
Lie Detector (China) by Maximilian Gu
Affleure (Belgium) by Georges Vanev
We are all on the same bus (Portugal) by Nuno Serrão
Adam & Eve Mk II (United Kingdom) by Sebastian Kuder
TATTOO (Iran) by Farhad Delaram
Two (United States) by Vasilios Papaioannu
Consolar (United States) by Susan DeLeo
Wognum (Netherlands) by Tim Bary
A New Religion Called Love (Belgium) by Marisa Papen
L'amour (Canada) by Benoit Ouellet
Miss Chazelles (France) by Thomas Vernay
Melanie (Belgium) by Jacinta Agten
I Hate The Sun (Slovenia) by Fabris Šulin
Mer Bleue (Canada) by Cecilia Araneda
Salt Water (United States) by Abe Abraham
Forgive and Not to Forgive (Hong Kong) by Elysa Wendi
Waiting for Jupiter (France) by Agathe Riedinger
It's wet ! (France) by Alexis Godard, Nan Huang
Shooting Crows (Switzerland) by Christine Hürzeler
Why do men live before they die ?! (France) by Théo Fiette
Zeinab on the Scooter (Lebanon) by Dima El-Horr
Pandemia (Hong Kong) by Yiannis Biliris
At Dawn the Flowers Open the Gates of Paradise (United Kingdom) by Elzbieta Piekacz
Matter Out of Place (United States) by Oona Taper
Sam Tudor - Joseph in the Bathroom (Canada) by Lucas Hrubizna
hier. (somewhere.) (Belgium) by Joy Maurits
A Walk (Russian Federation) by Ivan Arkhipov
In Passing (Canada) by Esther Cheung
Gypsy Hunt (Denmark) by Mikkel Andreas Smidt
On Color (Turkey) by Hüseyin Mert Erverdi
Ellinikon (Greece) by Konstantinos Prepis
Lone in the Dark (Poland) by Tomasz Chrapusta
F For Freaks (Germany) by Sabine Ehrl
Birth of a Poet (United States) by James Franco, Pedro Gómez Millán, Zachary Kerschberg
Petty Thing (China) by Li zexi
Short Calf Muscle (Netherlands) by Victoria Warmerdam
Rhizoma (Belgium) by Santiago Pérez Rodríguez
Tungrus (India) by Rishi Chandna
Fifteen [Quince] (United Kingdom) by Peiman Zekavat
023_GRETA_S (Germany) by Annika Birgel
On the Other Shore (United States) by Gus Reed
El Futuro (Mexico) by Ernesto Martínez Bucio
Vultures [Urubus] (Brazil) by Claudio Borrelli
Meltdown (United Kingdom) by Guli Silberstein
Mongol (United States) by Hao Zheng
Brick and mortar – MacGray (Belgium) by Aline Magrez
Light Matter (Austria) by Virgil Widrich
Decorum (Australia) by Lorenzo Monti
reading wild lands (dispersal 6-18-048-02 W5) (Canada) by Alana Bartol
DOMA KAK DOMA [Home is home] (Netherlands) by Eefje Suijkerbuijk
Invitation (Netherlands) by Sjoerd Martens
Wurlitzer (Hungary) by Balázs Simon
Buffer Zone Blues (Czech Republic) by Franz Milec
Bubbles of Time (Switzerland) by Bastien Bron
The Death of Mr.Tamimi’s Foot (United Arab Emirates) by John Haddad
Vipers follow You - Amon Tobin (Belgium) by Charles De Meyer
Sleeping with the Devil (United States) by Alisa Yang
Hubris - Simon Littauer (Denmark) by Ian Isak
July (Belgium) by Ian Menoyot
A Comfortable Hole (United States) by Fulla Abdul-Jabbar
The Divine Way (Germany) by Ilaria Di Carlo
Animals (Germany) by Jonas Spriestersbach
An Apartment In New York (United States) by Chad Knuth
MHD (United States) by Alejandro Watson
Autumn (Russian Federation) by Daria Elkonina
Fluorescent (Israel) by Avner Pinchover
At Jolie coiffure (Cameroon) by Rosine Mbakam
Hallebaan 3 (Belgium) by Guy De Troyer
Tulipomania: On the Outside [Spinello remix] (United States) by Cheryl Gelover, Tom Murray
Chairs (Israel) by Avner Pinchover
Heilerijk (Belgium) by Zoë Boogaert
Perpetual War (Belgium) by Lydia Rigaux